Ways to Give

Thank you for including the Parish of St. Thomas & St. Timothy in your charitable giving. The Parish can receive Online Donations for all of the activities and services currently supported by offertory collections at Mass, including special collections. The portal supports both one-time and recurring gifts. (weekly, monthly, annually, or an other time incremement of your choosing). Please visit Our Sunday Visitor Portal.

Commemorative or Memorial Gifts

If you would like to honor a special person, please consider making your gift “In honor of” or “In memory of”. This is a wonderful way to celebrate, honor, and show respect for an individual who has impacted your life. We will be happy to send a card of recognition to the person or family you have honored. Please contact Michelle Kiley, Finance Manager, for additional information (860-233-4580 x 216).

In addition to supporting the parish through offertory,
parishioners and friends of may wish support
the work of the Church through other channels of giving.

How my gift will be used?

Gifts may be restricted to unrestricted. Unrestricted gifts where they are most needed. A restricted gift is directed to a specific purpose: supporting a specific Parish activity or a specific Parish need. The Parish of St. Thomas & St. Timothy accepts restricted gifts with the promise that the funds will be used according to the donor’s wishes. If you are interested in making a gift to support a specific activity or need, please speak with Father Dolan 860-233-4580 or Michelle Kiley, Finance Manager 860-233-4580 x216.

Gifts of Stocks and Securities

Gifts of stocks and securities are welcome. Please contact Michelle Kiley, Finance Manager, 860-233-4580 x 216 for instructions from our Investment Firm, Morgan Stanley.

Can I make a Matching Gift to the parish?

The Parish welcomes and encourages matching gifts. For assistance in how to request a matching gift from an organization with restrictions to religious organizations or other questions, please contact Michelle Kiley, Finance Manager, 860-233-4580 x 216.

Gifts in Kind

In certain instances, the parish may accept material gifts. Please contact Father Dolan to discuss a specific donation.

How do I give in my will?

You can remember the parish in your Will by using the following language:
"I give [insert amount or other named items] to the Parish of St. Thomas & St. Timothy, 1116 N. Main Street, West Hartford, Connecticut, 06117."

Other Kinds of Planned Giving

You may wish to name the the Parish of St. Thomas & St. Timothy as a beneficiary, or as a secondary beneficiary, of an insurance policy or qualified retirement plan. Additional planned giving options exist under current tax laws that may have immediate tax benefits for you, your family, and your estate. Some of these options continue to provide you with income during your lifetime while offering significant tax benefits. Your attorney or accountant can provide the most accurate advice on estate planning for your personal situation and charitable intentions.

Further Support

If you have any questions or would like additional information on supporting our parish through your estate plan, please call the Michelle Kiley, Parish Finance Manager 860-233-4580 x216 michellek@stastm.org.