Eucharistic Ministers: Assist with the distribution of the eucharist during Mass. Time Commitment: Several Masses per month. Ministers are scheduled to serve at least twice per month Training includes 1 workshop sponsored by the diocese and a second training at the Parish.

Lectors: Lectors participate in the Mass by reading the first and second readings. Time Commitment: Scheduled for Masses around your availability. Training in the Parish.

Contact Jessica Rizzio 860-233-4580 x103

ALTAR SERVERS: Assist the priests and deacons at Masses. No experience needed. Children Grade 4 and older, as well as adults, who have received First Communion. Contact Father Sam John

Children’s Rosary: Help our children better communicate with God. Contact: Blythe Kaufman

Funeral Ministry: Comfort those in their greatest time of need. Our Community envelopes these families and shows support through representation and serving at the funeral Mass. Roles include altar server, Eucharistic Minister, Lector, Greeter, and Cross bearer. Contact Jessica Rizzio 860-233-4580 x103

Altar Guild: Duties involve changing Altar linens and candles, keeping the Sacristies tidy and other light housekeeping duties.  

Time Commitment: 1 1/2 hours a month
Contact: Parish Office

Candle Ministry: Maintain the upper and lower church candle areas i.e. buying and replenishing candle supplies and collecting donations from candle boxes.

Time Commitment: About 30 minutes each week Contact: Parish Office

The Environment Committee complements the work of the Liturgy committee by supplying decorative and symbolic elements that communicate the themes of the Liturgical seasons and celebrations. Many hearts joined together to create a worship environment that speaks about a people that call themselves the Parish of St. Thomas & St. Timothy.
Contact Parish Office


The Children’s Rosary is a prayer group movement for children. It is a time when children can come together to pray and lead the rosary as a prayer group. Parents are invited to stay and pray along in the pews as the children lead the prayers. This ministry serves to strengthen the prayer lives of our children. Additional children’s rosary resources may be found at (English) and (Spanish).

Second Sunday of every month
9:45-10:15 AM in the lower Chapel at St. Thomas the Apostle Church

Contact: Blythe Kaufman


Greeters: Greet parishioners with a warm smile and friendly welcome to foster a feeling of love and community at Mass. Time Commitment: 3 or 4 Masses per month. Contact: George Coppolo

USHERS: Support the greeters at each Mass by distributing the parish bulletin and any other handouts. Conduct the collections during weekend and feast day Masses; lead the October counts and assist parishioners with seating needs during Mass.

Time Commitment: 1-5 Masses per month assigned at the Usher's choosing. Contact: George Coppolo