Welcome to the
Faith Formation program
St. Thomas & St. Timothy Parish

We are excited to walk with your family as we learn about our Catholic faith and how we are each uniquely called to follow Jesus and shine our light in the world. Our goal is to support parents and guardians as you help your children come to know and love Jesus. Because faith takes root in the home and is nourished by the celebration of the Mass, we include activities and opportunities to engage and support families at home and in our faith community. Faith formation is a lifelong process of growing closer to Jesus and experiencing His deep love for us all. To nurture the ongoing faith formation of our families, we offer a hybrid program which includes family activities, traditional classroom meetings, preparation for sacraments, family Masses, and service opportunities. 

We are always in need of volunteers! Catechists in the classroom, Tutors to guide students out of grade level sequence through sacramental preparation, and additional helpers in the classroom. High School students encouraged to participate!

Online Registration has closed. Please contact the coordinator(s) for your child(ren)’s grade level for late registration.
K - 5 Dorothy Burnett dorothyb@stastm.org or 860-233-4580 x106
6-8 Deacon Paul Travers deaconpaul@stastm.org
9-10 Deacon Chris Haddad chrish@stastm.org

  • Kindergarten thru Fifth Grade

    Our program partners with families to nurture children’s faith. We offer Faith Formation classes for grades Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. Sacramental preparation is a two-year program beginning in First Grade with a focus on preparing children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist in Second Grade. The sacramental program includes two family workshops to gather and grow in Jesus’ name. 

    Classes meet in person approximately twice a month. One week of each month, families complete a choice of Catholic Family Challenges at home, and all families are asked to gather for Children’s Masses, hosted by different grades each month. At the Masses, children are invited to participate as readers, greeters, and gift bearers. Families in each grade level are asked to help host a fellowship coffee hour for the parish family after the Children’s Mass.

    Volunteers are always needed and appreciated! Opportunities include teaching, team-teaching or job sharing, tutoring for sacramental preparation, or helping as an assistant teacher. (Confirmation service hours!) We also love to have help with special events throughout the year. Please prayerfully consider assisting with this important and rewarding ministry. 

    For more information contact Dorothy Burnett, Coordinator of Children and Family Ministry dorothyb@stastm.org or 860-233-4580 x106

  • St. Thomas & St. Timothy Parish Grades 6-8 Faith Formation Process:

    Our Sixth grade Sacred Scripture-based class leads our middle school students into a life changing encounter with God. Our students will be introduced to the great biblical heroes of the Faith and helps them find echoes of, and help for, their own daily struggles and concerns. In the process, our students will become familiar with the basic outline of salvation history and God's plan for their lives.

    The 7th & 8th grade are combined classes which reflect a retreat style experience. Our starting point is that we are created in the image & likeness of God, and that God has bestowed gifts and graces upon us so that we follow Jesus as disciples in our actions and our thoughts. Each class begins with prayer, and takes a deep dive on a Christian theme each week. We convey our faith through PowerPoint presentations, small group discussions, activities, reflective journaling, rituals & music. We delve into such themes as: Belonging to a Faith Community, Prayer, Sacraments, our Catholic values, our Creed, the Parts of the Mass, our Liturgical Seasons, God's Grace & the Parables.

    For more information contact Deacon Paul Travers 860.372.7532 deaconpaul@stastm.org

  • Welcome to St. Thomas & St. Timothy Religious Education Confirmation Class.

    This program provides faith formation for grades 9 & 10. Grades 9, 10 prepares for the Sacraments of Confirmation.

    Classes will meet in person weekly on Sundays at 6:00 . We will have one retreat in March for sophomores only.

    We plan on having youth Masses throughout the year, I will update the calendar as we get closer to the date.

    Any questions contact Deacon Chris Haddad at chrish@stastm.org