Hospitality: Our mission is to Bring the nourishing love of Christ to all those who pass through the doors of the church.  We focus on compassion for the bereaved and the home-bound through remembrance and outreach.  We also work with other committees in hosting parish events. Contact: Parish Office

Evangelization Ministry:

Faith Formation: The education and guiding of the young children of our parish is a wonderful ministry. There are always needs for Catechists in the classroom and tutors to guide out of grade sequence students preparing for a sacrament. Visit the Faith Formation page.


Little Lambs

We would like to invite all of our 3-year-old through Kindergarten aged children to join us for Little Lambs during the 10:30 AM Masses. Little Lambs is a program that helps the children understand the Sunday Gospel on their level. We pray together, sing songs, play games, activities, and read age-appropriate gospel stories. Volunteers always welcome.

For More information, contact: Stephanie Sokolowski or call 860-977-6837

  • Helping Our Young Children Understand the Sunday Gospel

    All children, age 3-6, are invited to join us for Little Lambs during the 10:30 am Masses at St. Thomas the Apostle Church. This is NOT a CCD class. Little Lambs is a program that helps the children understand the Sunday Gospel on their level. We pray together, sing songs, play games, activities, and read age-appropriate gospel stories. Volunteers are always welcome and needed. Contact: Stephanie Sokolowski or call 860.977.6837

    At the start of each Mass (right after the procession) Father will turn to the children to he bless them before our lesson.

    Then we will go to the parish center, say a prayer, read the Gospel for that day on a child’s level. We will do a project to help understand the Gospel, sing a song, and close with a prayer.

    We will come back to Mass BEFORE Communion and sit in the FRONT pews as a group. This will give the children a better view and more participation in Mass. The children will go up for a blessing along with everyone receiving Communion. (We will show them how to cross their hands over themselves, for the sign to receive a blessing)

    Parents can reunite with their child right after Mass in the front pews. (We might need a few parent volunteers to help in the front pews when we return before Communion)

    This program is not Sunday School, CCD or a Daycare. This program is for the children to understand each Sunday’s Gospel on their level, while still having them be part of Sunday Mass.

  • Little Lambs runs from September to June, but does not meet every week. Please reference the calendar. .

    Printable calendar Opens in new window.

  • We hope the children can make it often on Sundays but it is NOT required for them to attend each Sunday. We do ask that everyone register to help better in planning and for safety. There is no fee for this program. Access the registration form here. For questions please contact Stephanie Sokolowski (Miss Stephy) at or 860-233-6165.

    Where to Meet Each Sunday:

    Please meet us in the back of the church 5 minutes before Mass starts, please (if possible) each Sunday, sign your child in and Little Lambs will be leading in the procession. (If you miss us at the start, please feel free join us downstairs)

Crossfire - Young Adults 20s&30s

Crossfire is a group for young adults (ages 20s and 30s) who gather together to grow our faith through fellowship and scriptural study.

We are all at different points in our faith journeys: we are cradle Catholics, new to the faith, still exploring our faith, doubting our faith, or returning to it. No matter where you are, you are respected here. We hope you will find in this fellowship the help and friendship we have been privileged to enjoy.

We meet every Tuesday evening in the Parish Center at St. Thomas the Apostle. We study the upcoming Sunday Mass readings, focusing primarily on Jesus’ words and life in the Gospel.  Our purpose is to grow in our faith through the richness and challenges presented in these sacred texts. We rotate presenting the readings as peers. We research and prepare as best as we can; however, none of us are biblical scholars. We find that truth lies in learning how to ask questions, compassionately listen, and be in right relationship with each other, whether we agree on things or not.

Everything we say at Crossfire is held in confidence. This enables us to feel free to say what is on our minds and in our hearts.

For more Information E-mail Us. Visit us on Facebook. Visit us on Instragram