Pastoral Ministries

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care ministers are caring people who demonstrate the presence of Christ to others in need through active listening, reflection and prayerful support.

Pastoral Care ministers visit parishioners who are in the hospital, are shut-in either in their own homes or are living in one of the many continuing care homes within our Parish boundaries.

Many Pastoral Care members are ministers of Holy Communion but that is not a requirement. Some visit homes and pray the rosary, others bring the Eucharist, visit, and/or conduct prayer services, all with the help of members of the team.

How do I become a Pastoral Care Minister?

While there is no formal training, days of reflection and time spent with others in the ministry provide help, support and insight. Your commitment to the pastoral care team ministry is varied depending upon your availability.

If you have need of a Pastoral Care Minister or are interested in becoming one:

Please contact Jessica Rizzio.


Partners in Prayer

Partners in Prayer is a ministry for those willing to pray for the needs and intentions of others. Are you or someone you love in need of prayer? Submit your request by e-mail to or by calling the rectory (860.233.4580 x101).

Interested in becoming a Partner in Prayer?

To become a member, contact Kathleen Staunton 860.233.4580 x111;

You will be added to the prayer e-mail distribution list. Members of this ministry are simply asked to pray for the intercessions received by e-mail.

Our Parish has two groups that meet monthly to pray over and knit or crochet prayer shawls, which bring prayerful comfort, warmth, support and love to people who need comfort and healing and would benefit from the loving embrace of one of our prayer shawls.

One group meets on the 1st Wednesday of each month from 10:15-11:45 in the STA Parish Center. For information on this group, please contact Marge McKay (

Our second group meets at the homes of those in the group. For information on this group, call or e-mail Jane Brady (860.242.4430;

Newcomers are always welcome.