Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that was formed to be of service to the parish and local community, and to render financial aid to members and their families. The order was founded in 1881 by Father Michael J. McGivney, when he was a 29 year-old parish priest at St. Mary’s in New Haven, and has grown into an international organization of almost 2 million members.

Our Parish has two active councils.  Each council is active in the Parish and participates in a variety of charitable, religious and social events throughout the year. New members are always welcome. Anyone interested in finding out more about the Knights is encouraged to contact one of the council’s Grand Knights.  Our two councils are:

St. Thomas the Apostle:
Msgr. John F. Callahan Council (#3600)

The Msgr. John F. Callahan Council #3600’s monthly meetings are held at the St Thomas the Apostle Parish Center at 6:30 pm on the first Thursday of most months of the year. 

Anyone interested in finding out more about St Thomas’s Council is encourage to contact the Council’s Grand Knight Frank Frisoli

  • Our Good Works

    Some of our Good Works included the financial and other support of: 

    The Church of Saint Thomas the Apostle 

     The Parish of Saint Thomas and Saint Timothy 

     The March for Life in Washington, DC. 

     The Respect Life Ministry 

     The Children's Rosary Ministry 

     Seminarians in their formative years while studying for the Priesthood.  

    One of our Seminarians, Joshua Wilbur became Reverend Joshua Wilbur and is serving in Farmington at Saint Patrick's Church. Another Seminarian we supported is Reverend Anthony Federico III who is currently serving as the Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Hartford. 

     The four Seminarians and New Priests we supported this year are Reverend Andres Galeano, Seminarian Colin Lane, Seminarian Gregory Meyers, and Seminarian Anthony Caruso. 

    The Knights of Columbus Youth Baseball Team in West Hartford (Supported continuously since 1953) 

    The South Park Inn Shelter in Hartford 

     The House of Bread Soup Kitchen in Hartford 

    The Friendship Center in New Britain  

    The Special Olympics 

    Doctors and Nurses of the UCONN Medical Center ICU unit in Farmington 

    The Chrysalis Center in Hartford 

    Local Boy Scouts 

    The Red Cross 

     Our Veterans 

     The Iwo Jima Memorial in Newington 

     Support of the Ukrainian people 

     ...just to name some recipients over recent years. 

St. Timothy:
Rev. Francis S. O’Neill Council (#13862)

The Rev. Francis S. O’Neill Council #13862’s monthly meetings are held at St Timothy in Milligan Hall at 7:30 pm on the second Monday of most months of the year.

Anyone interested in finding out more about St Timothy’s Council is encouraged to contact the Council’s Grand Knight, Chris Gosselin (

Our officers are:
Grand Knight: 
Chris Gosselin (860.559.9090)
Financial Secretary: 
John Geoghegan (860.233.7533)
Victor Dowling (860.521.6060)

KOC West Hartford Assembly:  Saint John Paul II (Assembly #3000)

This KOC’s Saint John Paul II Assembly 3000 of West Hartford serves all 5 Knights Councils in West Hartford.
For more information on the Assembly, please visit the Assembly’s Facebook page:

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