Faith Formation

Welcome to the
Faith Formation Program at

St. Thomas & St. Timothy Parish

We are excited to walk with your family as we learn about our Catholic faith and how we are each uniquely called to follow Jesus and shine our light in the world. Our goal is to support parents and guardians as you help your children come to know and love Jesus. Because faith takes root in the home and is nourished by the celebration of the Mass, we include activities and opportunities to engage and support families at home and in our faith community. Faith formation is a lifelong process of growing closer to Jesus and experiencing His deep love for us all. To nurture the ongoing faith formation of our families, we offer a hybrid program which includes family activities, traditional classroom meetings, preparation for sacraments, family Masses, and service opportunities. 

We are always in need of volunteers! Catechists in the classroom, Tutors to guide students out of grade level sequence through sacramental preparation, and additional helpers in the classroom. High School students encouraged to participate!

Online Registration for this school year has ended.   Please contact one of the program leaders if you would like to join the program.

K - 5
    Dorothy Burnett or 860-233-4580 x106 
       Deacon Paul Travers
     Deacon Chris Haddad

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