Welcome to the Parish of

Saint Thomas & Saint Timothy

872 Farmington Avenue &

225 King Philip Drive

West Hartford, CT


Our Mission
Having recognized the love of the Triune God for us, we seek to draw others into discipleship by our vibrant parish life of worship, service, learning, and loving our neighbors. We are inspired by the Holy Spirit and the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ to pass on the truth of our mission.

Visit the Lenten Resources page for

 programs and schedules.


Lent is a time for us to deepen our faith through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This year, we have the incredible opportunity to journey through Pray40, Hallow’s annual prayer challenge that drew over a million people together last year. Each day, beginning Ash Wednesday, we’ll have a spiritual practice from our Catholic tradition that’ll help us grow stronger in faith - together.   Learn more HERE

Confession & Adoration Schedule

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Mondays 6:00 - 7:00pm Saint Thomas the Apostle 

Wednesdays 8:30am to 5:00pm  St. Timothy

Every third Wednesday each month 5:00 to 7:00 pm by the Knights of Columbus.

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Mondays 6:00 - 7:00pm St. Thomas the Apostle  

Fridays 8:00-9:00am St. Timothy

Confession Schedule in nearby churches

Mass Schedule

Saturday Vigil

4:00 pm    Saint Timothy ** (Live Stream)

Sunday Mass

 8:00am   Saint Timothy

10:30am  Saint Thomas the Apostle

5:00pm    Saint Thomas the Apostle 

Daily Mass

Monday          7:30am   Saint Timothy
Tuesday          7:30am  Saint Timothy
Wednesday  12:10pm  Saint Thomas the Apostle
Thursday      12:10pm  Saint Thomas the Apostle
Friday            7:30am    Saint Timothy
Saturday       7:30am    Saint Thomas the Apostle

In the event of delays or closings, Weekday Morning Mass at St. Timothy will be celebrated at St. Thomas. Check WFSB for updates.

If there is extreme weather on a weekend or holiday, any notice of mass change will be posted to WFSB and on this page.

Mass Schedule will vary when a Holy Day is celebrated on a weekday. Times will be announced at weekend Masses and posted in the bulletin.

Mass Times for Other Churches Nearby

To request a Mass Intention or Sanctuary lamp intention, please contact 860-233-4580 Kathleen Staunton x111 or visit the Parish Office during  open hours. 

The suggested offering for a Mass intention is $20. 

Sanctuary Lamp intentions are for a week and the suggested offering is $25. 

Offering Mass for a special Intention is a long-standing tradition in the Catholic Church. Special graces are obtained for whom the Mass is said. Intentions may be for the souls of the Faithful Departed, in honor of a birthday or other milestone, for example.

A word about Mass Intentions from CatholicExchange.com

Visit Contact Us  to send a message or subscribe to our email distribution list.

Extensions and email address are in the Clergy & Staff Directory

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